Korea Postal Code

Jeonui-myeon, Sejong-si

🍀 Korea Spelling is 세종특별자치시 전의면, You can find your zip code. Please select the area below. You can also browse the map, location (Street view) of your area.

🌏 Map
It can be moved from the desktop using the keys W, S, A, and D, and when you click on the map, it moves to that location. Enlarged with mouse wheel. Drag moves the screen and changes coordinates when you click on the map.

Total2,547in Republic of Korea

3-17 Sandan-gil, Jeonui-myeon, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea Map
Correct세종특별자치시 전의면 산단길 3-17 (홍성맨션3차)
Oldest세종특별자치시 전의면 관정리 262-6 (홍성맨션3차)
3-15 Sandan-gil, Jeonui-myeon, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea Map
Correct세종특별자치시 전의면 산단길 3-15 (홍성맨션2차)
Oldest세종특별자치시 전의면 관정리 262-5 (홍성맨션2차)
3-13 Sandan-gil, Jeonui-myeon, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea Map
Correct세종특별자치시 전의면 산단길 3-13 (홍성맨션1차)
Oldest세종특별자치시 전의면 관정리 262-4 (홍성맨션1차)
21-33 Sandan-gil, Jeonui-myeon, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea Map
Correct세종특별자치시 전의면 산단길 21-33 (한국신문잉크(주))
Oldest세종특별자치시 전의면 관정리 714 (한국신문잉크(주))
6 Ijeokgol-gil, Jeonui-myeon, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea Map
Correct세종특별자치시 전의면 이적골길 6 (프라임하우스B동)
Oldest세종특별자치시 전의면 읍내리 182-12 (프라임하우스B동)


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