우리집 우편번호 및 도로명주소, 파인드바이(findby.co.kr)

Contact Us

Our postal code and road name address are receiving applications for inquiry partnerships.
We are trying to reply as soon as possible, and we only accept applications in Korean (Korean) and English.

Email Address

We accept it through the official email, findby.webmaster@gmail.com, and we will reply as soon as possible if you send it to that email.

Unauthorized e-mail collection is not allowed, and only general usage inquiries or service alliance-related tasks, banner advertisement inquiries, and inconvenience reports are accepted.

Do you need help from the government?

Findby.co.kr has limitations that individuals can provide. It's not a Korean government site, it's a website that makes it more convenient for individuals to check their zip codes. Don't worry. 🙋‍♂️

The South Korean government can help you. You can ask about transportation, passport information, and nearby safety facilities.

  • in Seoul 📱 02-120
  • in Gyeonggi-do 📱 031-120
  • foreign country 📱 +082 31-120

Thankful English, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Mongolian, etc. can help. 24 hours, 09:00 to 18:00 (Monday-Fri)

The words "thank you, thank you" cheer them up. 🍀 I hope you make good memories in Korea and have a safe return home. ✈️