Korea Postal Code·Street Finder

Korea Postal Code·Street Finder is the latest address book created by the Korea Post Office system. You can find the zip code and road name address.
The website will be opened in October 2023 to provide easy-to-understand zip codes, street addresses, maps, and information on surrounding facilities.

The service is located in Korea, operated by Koreans, and is a postal code and address search service for Koreans and foreigners visiting Korea.

Providing postal codes in Korea

It is operated to reflect Korea's postal code system, and provides postal code information based on legal dong and administrative dong information for each metropolitan city or province. All information on the site is provided as a web document based on postal code information issued by the Korea Post, and the information is updated at the beginning of each month or when there are changes in legal and administrative districts.

We are introducing the nearest post office and the nearest parking lot when visiting. A function to check whether the road name system exists is also provided so that you can check before visiting the registry office or post office.

Utilization and source of public information

Our Zip Code, Road Name Address Findby's website uses government disclosure information to express it. Thanks to the grateful administration, we are making convenient services. 🙏

  • Zip Information: Internet Post Office : More
  • Road Name Information: More
  • Administrative Information: More
  • Commercial district information: KLID More
  • Cultural Information: Ministry of Culture and Tourism More
  • Cultural Heritage Information: More
  • Braille : National Institute of Korean Language (바로가기)

Provide English address information

In the case of Korea, by the romanization of the Korean language, English is followed, and Revised Romanization of the Korean language (English: Revisited Romanization of Korea or RRK). It is a standard Korean standard, which is based on the revision made by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in 2000, and follows official information standards issued by the post office, and some information is automatically translated into romanization.

This English address is used for international shipping, registration, etc., and can be used to send or receive packages or packages to the English address. You can also easily download various address information as a CSV file.

Latest map information

Roadview and map services, which are services that allow you to check topography and features, are provided using Naver Map service and are operated according to the terms and conditions of the service. Map services are not available in some countries.

In the case of additional map services and detailed location (place) information in the area, convenience functions are provided because services connected to maps of Google, Kakao, and Naver are arranged.

Translation · Weather Services

In the case of translation services, we provide a service connected to a Google translator as a link to make it easier to determine whether the translation of the information currently provided through Google's translation of the Roman alphabet and the meaning of the building name is correct.

Regional weather information can also be linked to real-time weather information services on each portal (Naver, Kakao, Google, Bing). The final information provider of the service should check the information provider for each service.