Korea Postal Code

How to Find Address?

Let's find out how to search for Korean addresses(Zip Code and Map). The Korean address is easy.
The order is similar to the U.S. road name address system. FINDBY helps you search easily keywords.

It consists of the building number road name, village name or city name, and metropolitan city name.

🙋‍♂️What's the difference?

"jong-ro", "jongno"?

They're both correct, but they're different, which means that in principle, Roman notation follows the road name. As a representative example, it is good to look at the standards of Jongno-gu, Seoul. There is a section where assimilation takes place, so be careful.

As an example of the "Kyobo Bookstore, Kyobo Life Building" building, you must write differently (jong-ro, jong-ro), (jong-gu, jongno-gu) when you give the address in Jongno. There are many foreign visiting facilities in Jongno, and "Jongro" and "Jongro-gu's Jongno" have the same Korean notation, but they are different in English, so it is often difficult to search.

For example, if it's "Guwol-dong Asiad Athlete's Village," the changed address is usually translated with the meaning of the original text, "Asiad Athletics' Village," but the road name address system is Romanized.

Therefore, the English name itself may differ depending on the administration or terminology of the local government, so it is recommended to check the English notation and deliver the address in Roman letters to the person who will receive it.

🙋‍♂️What is,

"ro", "gil", "daero", "beon-gil"?

It's the last word that means road. End word meaning road. You can use it, If it's difficult, you can search it even if you write it as below.

Cases, gu, -gu + si, -si + do, -do
21 Sangojeong-ro 182beon-gil, Ojeong-gu, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do
13 Dosan-daero 1-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
11 Nambusunhwan-ro 168na-gil, Gwanak-gu, Seoul

If it is in the form of "ga-gil, na-gil, da-gil", it can be found more clearly by spacing it in the search term. If the "ro" must be attached, you can add it if you want to find it more correctly.

Cases, si, -si
71 Mannam-ro 3-gil, Sejong-si
  • before 👇
    71 Mannam-ro 3-gil, Sejong-si
    71 Mannam-ro 3-gil, Sejongsi
    71 Mannamro3gil, Sejong
  • after 👇
    71 Mannam 3 Sejong
🙋‍♂️What is,

"myeon", "eup", "gun"?

When the city has a large population of people, it is expressed in words such as "gu," "si," "gun," and "myeon." You can delete it and search for it.

Cases, eup, -eup + gun, -gun + si, -si
12 Seonghwa-ro 6-gil, Hwawon-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu
Cases, myeon, -myeon + -gun, gun

Let's wrap it up

Based on the above example, it is convenient to delete the ending characters "eup", "si", "gun", and "gu". We used spaces in the example, but commas are also possible.

  • When searching, be sure to enter the name "ProvinceName"! If you do not enter it, recognize "Seoul" as the default large city.
Cases, using Space
  • BuildingNumber RoadName ProvinceName
  • BuildingNumber RoadName (si or gu + si / gun) ProvinceName
  • BuildingNumber RoadName (myeon or eup) (si / gun) ProvinceName
Cases, using Space and Comma
  • BuildingNumber RoadName, ProvinceName
  • BuildingNumber RoadName, (si or gu + si / gun), ProvinceName
  • BuildingNumber RoadName, (myeon or eup) (si / gun), ProvinceName