Korea Postal Code

Geumnam-myeon, Sejong-si

🍀 Korea Spelling is 세종특별자치시 금남면, You can find your zip code. Please select the area below. You can also browse the map, location (Street view) of your area.

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Total3,685in Republic of Korea

487 Geumnamgujeuk-ro, Geumnam-myeon, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea Map
Correct세종특별자치시 금남면 금남구즉로 487 (황용보건진료소)
Oldest세종특별자치시 금남면 황용리 448 (황용보건진료소)
64 Hwangyong 2-gil, Geumnam-myeon, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea Map
Correct세종특별자치시 금남면 황용2길 64 (황룡2리마을회관)
Oldest세종특별자치시 금남면 황용리 233 (황룡2리마을회관)
28-7 Hwangyong 1-gil, Geumnam-myeon, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea Map
Correct세종특별자치시 금남면 황용1길 28-7 (황룔1리마을회관)
Oldest세종특별자치시 금남면 황용리 465-3 (황룔1리마을회관)
45 Hotan-gil, Geumnam-myeon, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea Map
Correct세종특별자치시 금남면 호탄길 45 (호탄리마을회관)
Oldest세종특별자치시 금남면 호탄리 152 (호탄리마을회관)
61-57 Seongdeogyeonggok-gil, Geumnam-myeon, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea Map
Correct세종특별자치시 금남면 성덕영곡길 61-57 (호남고속철도영곡IEC신호통신실)
Oldest세종특별자치시 금남면 도암리 산27-6 (호남고속철도영곡IEC신호통신실)


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