Korea Postal Code

Yeonseo-myeon, Sejong-si

🍀 Korea Spelling is 세종특별자치시 연서면, You can find your zip code. Please select the area below. You can also browse the map, location (Street view) of your area.

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It can be moved from the desktop using the keys W, S, A, and D, and when you click on the map, it moves to that location. Enlarged with mouse wheel. Drag moves the screen and changes coordinates when you click on the map.

Total3,377in Republic of Korea

8-8 Bongamsaedongne-gil, Yeonseo-myeon, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea Map
Correct세종특별자치시 연서면 봉암새동네길 8-8 (해피랜드Ⅱ)
Oldest세종특별자치시 연서면 봉암리 604-5 (해피랜드Ⅱ)
8-3 Bongamsaedongne-gil, Yeonseo-myeon, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea Map
Correct세종특별자치시 연서면 봉암새동네길 8-3 (해피랜드Ⅰ)
Oldest세종특별자치시 연서면 봉암리 604-4 (해피랜드Ⅰ)
38-1 Bongam-gil, Yeonseo-myeon, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea Map
Correct세종특별자치시 연서면 봉암길 38-1 (해피랜드)
Oldest세종특별자치시 연서면 봉암리 598 (해피랜드)
167 Gongdan-ro, Yeonseo-myeon, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea Map
Correct세종특별자치시 연서면 공단로 167 (한일전기그룹주식회사)
Oldest세종특별자치시 연서면 부동리 146 (한일전기그룹주식회사)
2119 Sejong-ro, Yeonseo-myeon, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea Map
Correct세종특별자치시 연서면 세종로 2119 (한국농어촌공사세종.대전.금산지사)
Oldest세종특별자치시 연서면 월하리 650-30 (한국농어촌공사세종.대전.금산지사)


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