Korea Postal Code

61 Hanti-gil, Myeoncheon-myeon, Dangjin-si, Chungcheongnam-do

🍀 2 founds. Search results. If you want to know the ZIP code or map and location for the area you're looking for, please search "Road Name Address". When you send a package to Korea, or when you travel or visit, you use your road name(street name) address.

Total2in Republic of Korea

Correct충청남도 당진시 면천면 한티길 61
Oldest충청남도 당진시 면천면 대치리 406
61 Hanti-gil, Myeoncheon-myeon, Dangjin-si, Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea Map
Correct충청남도 당진시 면천면 한티길 61 (신합덕천주교회)
Oldest충청남도 당진시 면천면 대치리 406 (신합덕천주교회)